La Plancha Great Park

La Plancha Great Park The Mérida Verde association participates in the “Gran Parque de la Plancha” project that seeks to create a large public park within the grounds of the railway complex in the historic center of the City of Mérida. At the request of a group of residents of these lands, Mérida Verde initially … Read more

Climate Change Group

Climate Change Group The working group on Climate Change is committed to education and actions supporting the world community´s effort to reduce CO2 to 350 parts per million, the actual safe limit for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. A higher number of emissions will lead more quickly to irreversible climate changes, and the dreaded consequences … Read more

Urban Agriculture Workshop

Urban Agriculture Workshop During the months of November and December 2013 Merida Siembra was implemented by our association with the support of the Ministry of Social Development (Sedesol) and the Government of the State of Yucatan. A workshop on bio-intensive urban agriculture was taught in four locations in the city, aimed at people interested in … Read more

March vs GMO

March vs. Monsanto in Yucatan Since 2013, Merida Verde has called general public civil associations and groups of farmers and teachers to attend and participate in the global movement that is celebrated every year on May 25 against transnational Monsanto. With a Facebook page with more than 1500 followers in the city of Merida, and … Read more