Climate Change Group

The working group on Climate Change is committed to education and actions supporting the world community´s effort to reduce CO2 to 350 parts per million, the actual safe limit for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. A higher number of emissions will lead more quickly to irreversible climate changes, and the dreaded consequences that by now we all recognize. For these reasons, we advocate both individual and collective actions to reduce CO2. While alternative energy is obviously one deterrent, we are convinced that this and other necessary changes only happen “people” energy unites first locally, then around the world to save our planet.

Al Gore Film in Spanish.

Produced Spanish versions of the Al Gore climate change film–full film, an hour version, and a twenty minute piece. Prepared corresponding group discussion questions and educational handout material and showed the film to over 4000 people. You Tube clips were viewed by over 50,000


a) Sponsored a successful Olimpo forum (October 10, 2010) as part of a initiative which attracted a full house to discuss global warming implications for the Mérida region and possible political strategies and actions. In addition to selected climate change task force members, guest speakers included representatives from the City and Pronatura, A.C, a nonprofit concerned with endangered land preservation

b) Hosted another overflowing full-house event with a speaker/participant (Heather Allen representing the global transport association UITP at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, Cancun, December 2010). This highly informative forum covered developments and concerns from the Cancun meetings.

c) At the invitation of the City of Mérida, we co-sponsored (along with the University of Yucatán) two consecutive days of climate change reports from Al Gore’s Climate Reality network in December 2012. The first event with discussion was held at the City’s Olimpo video room in the evening, and the second took place at the University of Yucatan, Central Building, with a lively discussion all morning.

Special Events.

Held a well-attended Candlelight Vigil December 2009 at the US Consulate to communicate the importance of reaching climate control agreements or at least establishing workable discourse toward obtaining them. A signed petition was sent to the US President and the Secretary of State. This initiative was held in support of


Held a major demonstration in Merida’s Plaza Grande October 10, 2010, distributing over 1000 pieces informational material and gathering hundreds of signatures for a petition to national Mexican governmental officials. This was to “connect the dots” about climate consequences, a world wide effort initiated by, and accomplished with the cooperation of the folks from Parque A’ak, the environmentally sustainable park at Xcunyá, near Mérida.

Biking Activity.

Co-sponsored with Un Auto Menos a “Bike Ride in Mérida” to commemorate the International Day of Climate Solutions.


Presented educational material on climate change at every Earth Day event since the founding of Mérida Verde, including prognostics for the encroaching Gulf coast sea level rises with the warming of the climate. Ten things to do. Want to do something to help stop global warming? Here are 10 simple things you can do and how much carbon dioxide you’ll save doing.

Prepared a one-page hand-out (Spanish on one side and English on the other) of 10 things a citizen can do to help stop global warming. Several thousand of these fliers were ultimately distributed in many venues.

Key Linkages: is an international organization advocating actions to achieve 350 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere.

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